Cancelled projects 2022-24
Grandmaster Funk
Premiere, written By Herbert Siguenza
Scenic + Projection design
San Diego Repertory (theater closed)
Grandmaster Funk
Premiere, written By Herbert Siguenza
Scenic + Projection design
San Diego Repertory (theater closed)
Due to the residual negative economic impact of the Pandemic, the city of Citta Della Pieve, in Umbria, Italy, is no longer able to support the new Opera productions by *the international Opera Theater (IOT)
Cancelled Projects 2020
SHIV (Moxie Theater- Delicia Turner Sonnenberg)
* RAFAELLA- International Opera Theater, Citta della Pieve, Italy
Postponed projects 2020-21
HURRICANE (Nautilus New Music-THeater, MN; Ben Krywosz)
MANaHATTA (Moxie Theater - Delicia Turner Sonnenberg)