Tdde 151 Digital Video Design
Wk. 1 Assignment
Due Wk 2 Oct. 07
Visual Methodologies: Mood Boards
This is a communication tool that reveals how you imagine the world of the poem/text/play/story
Do not worry if this is new to you, do your best and look at other references if what I've listed isn't enough.
Metaphor and Visual Metaphor
The art of the metaphor - Jane Hirshfield
Symbols -
-A thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
Parasite — The Power of Symbols
-an idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature.
Choose one of the Maya Angelou poems to explore visual metaphor
Create a Mood Board collage that responds to the poem you chose
Optional formats:
Slide collage
Google doc
Photoshop/Illustrator (8x14 legal size)
Anything that is useful to you
Other resources:
Collage + Mood Boards
A Pretty Normal Day with Collage Artist Luis Martin
Paper Cut Vlog 5 / Live Collaging with Luis Martin / The Art Engineer
Peter Clark 1920 h264 For Youtube
Wk. 1 Assignment
Due Wk 2 Oct. 07
Visual Methodologies: Mood Boards
This is a communication tool that reveals how you imagine the world of the poem/text/play/story
Do not worry if this is new to you, do your best and look at other references if what I've listed isn't enough.
Metaphor and Visual Metaphor
The art of the metaphor - Jane Hirshfield
- What is a metaphor?
- What is a visual metaphor?
- Are there any visual metaphors that you’ve used or encountered in your daily life?
- Why do we use visual metaphors in art?
Symbols -
-A thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
Parasite — The Power of Symbols
- Why repeat symbols in a work of art?
- What is a motif?
- a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition
-an idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature.
- How is a theme different from a motif?
- What is the theme of the poem you chose? Use this as another clue to find visual metaphors
Choose one of the Maya Angelou poems to explore visual metaphor
- Write a brief statement that describes why you chose the poem and any ideas that come to mind--list these in your written statement to help you identify visual choices - its just a written check list
- note that sometimes these are based on “gut reactions” rather than an obvious relationship
- Using the 5 senses, determine if there are any that resonate with the poem you choose?
- The perceptual process enables us to perceive the world through our senses of sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. In particular, our visual system processes vast amounts of information in its environment. Rather than perceiving elements separately, our brain organizes patterns, objects and shapes into whole forms that we can understand.
- Add these senses to your check list
- These (senses, images, color, etc.) do not need to be literal, but more evocative
Create a Mood Board collage that responds to the poem you chose
- This can be either manual or digital or both--
- It should be on one page 8x14 legal size - horizontal or vertical format OR a size that works for your format (see optional formats below)
- Remember that the visual relationship between the images (proximity, scale) i.e. the way you organize them, is also an important part of the collage
- The principle of proximity is simply the process of ensuring related design elements are placed together. Any unrelated items should be spaced apart. Close proximity indicates that items are connected or have a relationship to each other and become one visual unit which helps to organise or give structure to a layout.
Optional formats:
Slide collage
Google doc
Photoshop/Illustrator (8x14 legal size)
Anything that is useful to you
Other resources:
Collage + Mood Boards
A Pretty Normal Day with Collage Artist Luis Martin
Paper Cut Vlog 5 / Live Collaging with Luis Martin / The Art Engineer
Peter Clark 1920 h264 For Youtube